Activities Guide
Check out our list of fun activities that you can do as a family or your children can do on their own.
If you or your family are crafty perhaps you could try your hand at one of these ideas, if you need instructions or more information there are lots available online!
Bird Feeder
Smother an old toilet roll in peanut butter and roll in seeds / chopped nuts of your choice. Then simply hang in an outdoor space and wait for the birds to feed
Paper Flowers
Fold colourful cupcake liners in half and cut out petal / fringe shapes. Fold a piece of wire in half and twist around the fringe piece. Poke the wire through the center of three to four petal paper liners. Finish it off by wrapping tape around the base of the liners and bringing it all the way down the stem.
Water Bottle Flowers
Cut the base off of a water bottle and paint as brightly as you like, stick to a lollypop stick or folded card stem and add some card leaves. Then make a whole bunch!
Tissue Paper Suncatcher
Gather scraps of tissue paper and stick in a mosaic like pattern only a piece of plastic or greaseproof paper. Once dry cut out a star / circle or shape of your liking and hang in a sunny window

Toilet Roll Animals
Create your own animal with bright paints, some glue and lots of imagination. From frogs to mini monsters there's a whole range of ideas online for these!
Mini terranium
Use an old jam jar, some sand / soil and some moss to create a mini terrarium fit for mini plastic dinosaurs or animals. Stick to plastic plants to creative a nightlight for your child's bedroom
Lollypop Stick Art
You can buy coloured sticks or paint your own and then go wild creating your own images / 3D models with a bit of glue and imagination
Cork Love Bugs
Paint your leftover corks, add some cardboard wings and googly eyes! Make a few and hang them up to create your own decorations
Salt Dough
Use cookie cutters or a knife to create your own ornaments out of salt dough. To make simply mix 2 cups of plain flour and 1 cup of salt together in a large bowl.
Add 1 cup of water (slowly as you may need less) and knead the mixture into a dough. Once dry you can paint however you like
Rainbow Zipper Clutch Bag
Grab a woven placemat from the poundshop, fold in half and add a zipper along the top edge and sew the remainder edge shut. Paint in rainbow colours and once dry you have one new clutch bag!
DIY Hand Drum
Cut 2 circles of card, sandwich a long piece of string between them and stick together. Add some beads to create the 'bang' and trim excess string. Add a handle and spin to create your drumming noice.
Create your own robot out of packaging and scraps! Find whatever you can, add paint, stick together, get creative and make a new toy.

Fun Outside
There's lots of fun things you can do outside, whether its a local park or your own garden. Here's some of our favourite ideas to try

Scavenger hunt
Make a list of things to find and go on a hunt
Sellotape Bracelet
Make a sellotape bracelet around your child's wrist (sticky side out) and stick lots of leaves, petals and flowers to it while out on your walk
Nature Art
Create a cut out of a shape of your choice and hold your frame in front of natures beauty while your out. Take a photo on your phone so you can remember them all
Fairy / Dinosaur Garden
Create your own living magical garden with plants, moss, stones etc. Make it in a big plant pot or a bowl and if you don't have any fairies to add you can say that they will visit when no one is looking!
Veg / Fruit Patch
If you have space in your garden why not try and grow some of your own vegetables and fruit. If you don't have much space a bag is all you need to harvest potatoes!
Try growing your own flowers from seeds or seedlings, use lovely smelling flowers or something in your favourite colour perhaps
Teddy Bears Picnic
Take your soft toys outside for a teddy bears picnic, take some tasty treats and a picnic blanket and your all set. Read them a story or have a pretend tea party
Make a Time Capsule
You can include all different things from pictures, newspaper articles, toys, letters etc, just make sure nothing is perishable!

Chalk Gallery
Buy some chalks and let your kids use their imagination to create a picture gallery, it will all wash away in the rain eventually!
Paint Stones
Find some stones that you like and paint them to create animals or patterns. You may need to paint your stones white first so your design really stands out
Car Wash
Line your childs toy cars up, give them some soapy water and a sponge and let them create their own toy car wash. Failing that they could help you wash your actual car!
Create your own Sports Day / Obstacle Course
Think up your own races / obstacles, if you don't have much space it doesn't have to be running, try hooping, hopping or testing your aim games! You can even make medals and certificates and get your teddies to cheer you on.
Do Something New
Sometimes its fun to learn something new! Here's a list of ideas that your children might like to try out

Write a story
Write a song
Create your own comic
Paint, draw or collage a picture
Bake some cupcakes
Help cook dinner
Learn a new language
Make an outfit for your dolly
Do some gardening
Design a new superhero